Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Orion (Ori)  ·  Contains:  Extremely wide field
SH2-264 Angel Fish Nebula, Rodney Watters
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SH2-264 Angel Fish Nebula

SH2-264 Angel Fish Nebula, Rodney Watters
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SH2-264 Angel Fish Nebula



Acquisition details



The Angel Fish nebula aka the Lambda Orionis ring is object number 2-264 in the Sharpless catalogue. It is an extremely large nebula covering almost 10 degrees of sky. This images was taken with a Canon EOS 100MM F2.8 Macro prime lens which has an approximate field of view of 10 degrees by 7 degrees. The nebula just barely fits into the field of view of this lens. Approximately 30 each of R,G,B at 5 minute subs and approximately 30 of Ha at 20 minutes subs.

Most images that I have seen of this object tend to show the Angel Fish swimming from left to right across the screen. I prefer to present the image in this orientation as I rekon that I can see an alien face within the nebula. Can you see it too??



  • SH2-264 Angel Fish Nebula, Rodney Watters
  • Final
    SH2-264 Angel Fish Nebula, Rodney Watters

Sky plot

Sky plot


SH2-264 Angel Fish Nebula, Rodney Watters